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Sunday 28 December 2014

Counter Strike Global Offensive

Like the previous games in the series, the global offensive are the objectives of the existing multiple first-person. Each player to join either a terrorist or counter-terrorism team and try to complete the objectives or eliminate the opposing team. The game works on short trips end when all the players on one side have died or the purpose of the whole team. For most of the game modes, once a player dies, they must wait until the tour ends, to reappear. Players buy weapons and equipment at the beginning of each round with the money provided by the performance. Achieve the goals or kill enemies that the player earns money while negative actions such as killing fellow hostages or money from the player. Also, when the tour ends all the players get a certain amount of money, with the players on the winning team receiving more

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive adds new weapons and equipment which is not seen in previous installments, including the firebombing of each side (Molotov terrorists and counter-terrorists petrol bombs). This temporarily cover a small area on fire, causing damage to anyone who passes.

Game modes
Currently, the global offensive has five game modes to play online:

Casual classic and competitive: the most famous game Counter-Strike fashion, both on the scene scenario task bomb and hostages. At the beginning of each round, players can buy weapons and equipment with money earned various activities to help end the death of goals. Whatever the type of task, and the round ends when the entire team of the goal, and the elimination of the other team, or allow the timer runs out.
The bomb scenario: you must terrorists planting C4 explosives in one of the two designated bomb sites; must fight against terrorists to prevent a bomb, or to ensure that a terrorist group or a factory once it is activated.
Hostage scenario: the fight against terrorists must rescue hostages from terrorists and bring them to the point of abstraction. You must prevent terrorists hostages to escape. If you try to terrorists or terrorist threats to kill the hostages suffer from the penalty spot safe. An update later changed the way the fight against terrorists, hostage rescue, instead of driving around, players must wear hostage for both the extraction point
Arms Race: According to put where death is a reward every player with a new weapon to kill the first player to get a kill with every weapon to a specific group in advance for the win.
Demolition: a way based on round the arms of the judiciary and the purchase of equipment instead of players who score to give the next murder weapon in a predetermined range of weapons bonus. After killing the second with weapons that players are rewarded for Granada (random type), with a new weapon to the next round.Deathmatch (high of November 12, 2012): a match in a manner consistent 10 minutes. Players must get the highest score possible by getting enemies with different weapons or weapons allowed. Number of points depends on the weapon of death. Players can also use timers weapons bonus, and use it to get extra points. As is the case in the arms race, and the players appear automatically after losing a life, but also when they choose to reappear armed bonus.
Global Offensive also offers two modes now: the line with the walk, which offers game modes themselves with bots controlled by Amnesty International; courses and weapons for players inexperienced and veteran.

Online Gambling
Supports global offensive to reconcile and to arrange for all modes of online game offered by the steam. The service provides online and provided the ability to filter by game modes, maps, and integrated system of steam friends. Valve also using anti-cheating, and the valve that automatically delete players online ban valve. To suit players of similar skill levels to experience the fun, the game uses a copy of the ELO ranking Modfied. PC version also supports can be particularly offensive maid arrived global player through existing community in the game server. These servers can be modified significantly and be totally different from the base game.

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