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Sunday 28 December 2014

Notepad++ v6.7.2

Notepad ++ is a text editor and source editor for use with Microsoft Windows. Unlike the built-in text editor Notepad in Windows, and supports the amendments tabs, allowing you to work with multiple open files in one window. Notepad ++ open large files much faster than Microsoft Notepad and Wordpad. The project name comes from C. added player

Notepad ++ is distributed as free software. The project was hosted at the site SourceForge.net, where you downloaded more than 28 million times, and won twice SourceForge Community Choice Award for the best development tool. The project is hosted on TuxFamily since June 2010 Notepad ++ uses spark editing component.

General characteristics are:

Tabbed document interface
Drag and Drop
Several clipboard (plug-in required)
Split screen editing and scrolling in sync
Spelling checker (requires Aspell) (spelling checker does not distinguish between text and code)
It supports formats such as Unicode text encoding for international writing systems. UTF-8 and UTF-16 allows the number.
Search and Replace: with regular expressions (including multi-line); several documents. And marking / event summary
Comparing data
Features include editing the source code:

Syntax highlighting and syntax folding
Script Brace confirmed
He stressed intelligent
Project manager
Regular expression search and replace (Perl Compatible extent)
Speech synthesis
Navigator File Transfer Protocol (plug-in included in the standard installation)
Recording and playback macros.
Different tools such as sorting line, converting text encoding, and text folding
The case of automatic detection of file
Customizable shortcut key set.
List function.
Notepad ++ also supports Unix line endings so that you can use to work with texts that have occurred (or will be transferred to) devices that run the Unix operating systems.


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